
Morgan Hart, chef/owner, Heartbreaker PDX, (she/her). Morgan’s happiest place in the kitchen is at the fermentation station or tending the smoker. She believes in food as a profound & invaluable tool for both healing & connection, minimizing kitchen waste, & that there are rules for making a tomato sandwich. Her favorite ingredient is patience. She’s always grateful for brand-new sharpies, opportunities to help other small businesses, & for getting to work collaboratively with her husbutch + business partner.

Jax Hart, baker/owner, Hungry Heart Bakery, (they/them). Jax is a self-taught baker who can’t get enough cardamom, ever. When they’re not at work, they can be found gardening,  woodworking, or volunteering as a diver at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. 

These two will be collaborating on a soup + side for QUEER SOUP NIGHT! Check out what they’re making!